I went to a Intertribal Dance at OCU with the Hasinai Society. I have a fundamental difference of opinion with the head of this about the way the world works. This does not mean I do not respect and admire the work done. But I still smoke at her. Well, I want to smoke at her, but I dont since I am not a smoker. I may have pushed my nonsmoker envelope to the ragged, torn, weak, pitiful edges. But the girls were beautiful....Wanna see?
All I can say is THANK GAWDALLMIGHTY my girls are not princess. Whew. Tons of work, effort and time, with almost no payoff or gratitude. Even my Grandma thought the whole "Princess" idea was inkanish (white). and a waste of time, since all NDN women are prettier than white girls. Duh! I gotta admit, I don't wanna do it. Cori makes a great princess, and her Momma is willing...Bobs yer uncle.
This pic contains: Cranky leader, cranky teenager, cranky tween, cranky spoiled brat, 2 cutie pies, and a Princess in a pear tree!!! Why did I quit smoking again? I forget, because ciggys worked GREAT on situations like this.
Okay, I gotta admit, I really like hanging out with kiddos. Most of the time, they are great and make me feel alive and like a really important part of my community. So pretty, freshfaced, eager for some acceptance and approval for their little emerging personalities. What a blessing. Well, I didn't smoke, and I reallyreally wanted to. I did scream like a wild banshee in heat a few times, but I guess thats a trade off. The girls and Philip have pitched enough fits about my smoking they can deal with a couple of mine while I quit.