Sunday, May 31, 2009

It was not for my laundry, huney! Hehehe.

This is a lovely rendition of Miss Tracy and her "I'm sooo Cute!' son, Philip.

Can you see how one foot is funky? I stepped on a nail and fubar'ed my foot and it swelled and generally looks icky and hurts like the dickens.
I do wish I had hair.
or clothes.

I must be a pretty lucky girl. Brillant daughters. Sweet boy. Delicious Hubby. I still neeed to bloggg about regalia...I been busy.

Friday, May 29, 2009

I may give crappy Note, but my Blowjobs are execllent

I read PD's notes on facebook and only understand every third word. The concepts behind them are totally beyond my pea-sized intellect. But hey, I lived with the KIT for a week in the 8th grade, and its not witty, or ivy education. Shes just that much smarter than the rest of us. (KIT= Know It All...I had to come up with something easy to yell at my youngest when her mouth overruns her ass)

Its spreading. RB sounds like her now, and her bloggy stuff is confusing. I guess that is okay, but I feel like I am at SOD again. (SOD= School Out Doors) But hey, I got a man willing to drive 700 miles for a blowjob. On that happy note, I bought my son a trampoline. He got in trouble at school for hugging one of his buddies (hugs are only for our Mommies) and spent THREE HOURS in what he calls "The Naughty Chair." I asked where the naughty chair was when I dropped off the boyo at school the next day, but I only got dumb looks from the Teacher. Naturally, I asked his best buddy what Philip did at school the day before, and he told me he sat in the naughty chair. Hmmm. I vote I believe the kids. 4 year olds are less able to lie. He always blames a dinosaur when he screws up bad, and when it is really freakin bad, he blames the dog. So, I bought him a trampoline for being a big-hearted-hugger.

Everyone loves it. You can't see Smokey, because black doggies blend into the background. Bummer. The pic is from my phone, which explains the poor quality. Another pic I took today was from the yearend awards assembly at school. Philip got a certificate of completion. No awards, but Daymn he was proud of it.

All the other kids just held theirs up, but he is waving his above his head and Whooping. What a cool kid. The boy doesn't do ANYTHING halfassed. I think enthused kiddos with big hearts need season passes to White Water, don't you? BRB.....Okay, I ordered them online and printed it out. Easy-peasy.

Like I said, I give crap note, but my Hawt hubby is driving 3 hours out of his way to get a BJ from me on his way to Pennsylvania from somewhere south of Laredo TX. The direct way is through Louisana. Pretty neato. He might be stopping over for a couple of hours for me to do his laundry, and not the BJ. Truthfully, I don't care. ;) Time is precious when you only get 46 days a year.

Monday, May 18, 2009


I was gonna blog about regalia, but I got all the boogkies pics on the puter, and I had to post about the biggybubble fest. Philip has called 'bubbles' boogkies forever, so we still call them boogkies at my house. Hot dogs are hoggies, ketchup is beebip, mosquitos are itchies, etc...

It took a minute, but the girls finally decided to go with us. I was worried they were too cool to go and biggiebubble with us, but reason prevails on middleschoolers (finally!)
Here are the supplies, snacks, and the supersecret bubble recipie...
Youngest daughter, participating under duress. Poor thing. (I love this pic!)
Shhhh! This is one of the ingredients. I picked it for it's name instead of it's properties to make awesome boogkies.Gettin' started. Daymn, I love surface tension.
Getting the hang of it. Biggiebubbling is a skill, and it takes practice and talent.
You go, Grrrl!Bubblegoddess. Her sister is just as good!!!
We needed to take a break for the very awesome Popcicle Gods. If the Popcicle Gods do not get a nice even sticky coat over small children, they become jealous of the Biggie Bubble Gods, since they are equally sticky. Tracy, the Popcicle-God-Thingy is spooky. What is in this thing, anyway? Are you sure it's not a popcicle?UmmmNummyNum! I wuve Pipcycle Gawds! Can I have yours?
Alaina showin her Skilz....

Same bubble, but its going to where all biggie bubbles go in the end...What a great day!

Friday, May 15, 2009

I simply cannot believe how much coffee I drink since I am a nonsmoking entity.

This works for me, but since I quit smoking, I began to notice small things around me.

Like smells.

Why in the heck-fire doesn't coffee taste like it smells?! Why is it in the popcorn catagory?!

Smells good before prep, smells fabulous while cooking, and finally, tastes Absolutely Nothing like it smells.

Shit. Why didn't anyone tell me it tasted like this? I am so hopelessly hooked on coffee I guess I will just have to put in more milk and More Splenda*

*Gods gift to humanity.

I need to post my mocs...They Freakin' Rock and make my feet very happy.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tobacco Stops with me.

Okay, all the second hand smoke commercials are really annoying to me. I mean, com'on peoples, it didn't hurt us as kiddos. My grandparents smoked, my parents, my aunts, uncles, and cousins. All of them. and I turned out fine.

Sort of. I guess...

I am a horrific Derekaholic, and I'll do almost anything to get a chunk'o burnin' luv from him. Even blow off bills, and electricity is really important.

I am a huge underachiever, just ask my ex. I don't do anything except watch TV and eat junk food.

I have this really odd relationship with poo. It pops up everywhere in my life. Baby poo, dog poo, strange frontyard poos, toilet clogging poo, sick runny poo, strange skiddy-underwear poo. And I never EVER go buy new Johnny Paper until I am totally out. Even out of Kleenex out.

I also have this OCD/God complex thingy going on with beads and feathers. I think if there are enough beads, and enough feathers the Cosmic Universe will fall into a nice, clean simlple Kingdom where all things are fair and just. It just seems like the world is a happy place if I have effectively rubbed the "new bead smell" on my "bead sorting and storage area" I even feel good when I wash the poo off the feathers I get in the mail (continued from above).

Ever since I was a little girl, I have this insane urge to read smut novels and junk books just for entertainment. I DO occasionally read things just to post on MyBook and Facespace so I "pass" but mostly I just inhale worthless literature just for fun. I have very little desire to improve my mind. I am mostly reading to drown out the voices in my head, and I have noticed they recently formed a committee since I quit smoking to find new and creative ways to get the nicotine back. Bastards. I need to get a new smut novel at the store today and drown them out...

Well, maybe second hand smoke is bad.
1. Man-love addiction
2. Divorce/Poor nutrition
3. Poo
4. Obsession with inanimate objects
5. Unadulterated support of Adult novels.
6. Oppositionally Defiant with uploading photos, since it is not spelled "Pix" "Pics" or "Fotos"

I still need to buy TP today. sigh.