Its spreading. RB sounds like her now, and her bloggy stuff is confusing. I guess that is okay, but I feel like I am at SOD again. (SOD= School Out Doors) But hey, I got a man willing to drive 700 miles for a blowjob. On that happy note, I bought my son a trampoline. He got in trouble at school for hugging one of his buddies (hugs are only for our Mommies) and spent THREE HOURS in what he calls "The Naughty Chair." I asked where the naughty chair was when I dropped off the boyo at school the next day, but I only got dumb looks from the Teacher. Naturally, I asked his best buddy what Philip did at school the day before, and he told me he sat in the naughty chair. Hmmm. I vote I believe the kids. 4 year olds are less able to lie. He always blames a dinosaur when he screws up bad, and when it is really freakin bad, he blames the dog. So, I bought him a trampoline for being a big-hearted-hugger.
Everyone loves it. You can't see Smokey, because black doggies blend into the background. Bummer. The pic is from my phone, which explains the poor quality. Another pic I took today was from the yearend awards assembly at school. Philip got a certificate of completion. No awards, but Daymn he was proud of it.
All the other kids just held theirs up, but he is waving his above his head and Whooping. What a cool kid. The boy doesn't do ANYTHING halfassed. I think enthused kiddos with big hearts need season passes to White Water, don't you? BRB.....Okay, I ordered them online and printed it out. Easy-peasy.
Like I said, I give crap note, but my Hawt hubby is driving 3 hours out of his way to get a BJ from me on his way to Pennsylvania from somewhere south of Laredo TX. The direct way is through Louisana. Pretty neato. He might be stopping over for a couple of hours for me to do his laundry, and not the BJ. Truthfully, I don't care. ;) Time is precious when you only get 46 days a year.