Okay, all the second hand smoke commercials are really annoying to me. I mean, com'on peoples, it didn't hurt us as kiddos. My grandparents smoked, my parents, my aunts, uncles, and cousins. All of them. and I turned out fine.
Sort of. I guess...
I am a horrific Derekaholic, and I'll do almost anything to get a chunk'o burnin' luv from him. Even blow off bills, and electricity is really important.
I am a huge underachiever, just ask my ex. I don't do anything except watch TV and eat junk food.
I have this really odd relationship with poo. It pops up everywhere in my life. Baby poo, dog poo, strange frontyard poos, toilet clogging poo, sick runny poo, strange skiddy-underwear poo. And I never EVER go buy new Johnny Paper until I am totally out. Even out of Kleenex out.
I also have this OCD/God complex thingy going on with beads and feathers. I think if there are enough beads, and enough feathers the Cosmic Universe will fall into a nice, clean simlple Kingdom where all things are fair and just. It just seems like the world is a happy place if I have effectively rubbed the "new bead smell" on my "bead sorting and storage area" I even feel good when I wash the poo off the feathers I get in the mail (continued from above).
Ever since I was a little girl, I have this insane urge to read smut novels and junk books just for entertainment. I DO occasionally read things just to post on MyBook and Facespace so I "pass" but mostly I just inhale worthless literature just for fun. I have very little desire to improve my mind. I am mostly reading to drown out the voices in my head, and I have noticed they recently formed a committee since I quit smoking to find new and creative ways to get the nicotine back. Bastards. I need to get a new smut novel at the store today and drown them out...
Well, maybe second hand smoke is bad.
1. Man-love addiction
2. Divorce/Poor nutrition
3. Poo
4. Obsession with inanimate objects
5. Unadulterated support of Adult novels.
6. Oppositionally Defiant with uploading photos, since it is not spelled "Pix" "Pics" or "Fotos"
I still need to buy TP today. sigh.