Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tobacco Stops with me.

Okay, all the second hand smoke commercials are really annoying to me. I mean, com'on peoples, it didn't hurt us as kiddos. My grandparents smoked, my parents, my aunts, uncles, and cousins. All of them. and I turned out fine.

Sort of. I guess...

I am a horrific Derekaholic, and I'll do almost anything to get a chunk'o burnin' luv from him. Even blow off bills, and electricity is really important.

I am a huge underachiever, just ask my ex. I don't do anything except watch TV and eat junk food.

I have this really odd relationship with poo. It pops up everywhere in my life. Baby poo, dog poo, strange frontyard poos, toilet clogging poo, sick runny poo, strange skiddy-underwear poo. And I never EVER go buy new Johnny Paper until I am totally out. Even out of Kleenex out.

I also have this OCD/God complex thingy going on with beads and feathers. I think if there are enough beads, and enough feathers the Cosmic Universe will fall into a nice, clean simlple Kingdom where all things are fair and just. It just seems like the world is a happy place if I have effectively rubbed the "new bead smell" on my "bead sorting and storage area" I even feel good when I wash the poo off the feathers I get in the mail (continued from above).

Ever since I was a little girl, I have this insane urge to read smut novels and junk books just for entertainment. I DO occasionally read things just to post on MyBook and Facespace so I "pass" but mostly I just inhale worthless literature just for fun. I have very little desire to improve my mind. I am mostly reading to drown out the voices in my head, and I have noticed they recently formed a committee since I quit smoking to find new and creative ways to get the nicotine back. Bastards. I need to get a new smut novel at the store today and drown them out...

Well, maybe second hand smoke is bad.
1. Man-love addiction
2. Divorce/Poor nutrition
3. Poo
4. Obsession with inanimate objects
5. Unadulterated support of Adult novels.
6. Oppositionally Defiant with uploading photos, since it is not spelled "Pix" "Pics" or "Fotos"

I still need to buy TP today. sigh.


Rebecca @ Mom-a-Tron said...

The tobacco plant, Nicotiana tabacum, belongs to the nightshade family, which also includes potatoes, tomatoes, eggplant and red peppers. All contain nicotine. YUM! And no second-hand smoke.

Tracy said...

Are there any plants that contain Derektine? I miss him alot, but i guess it is better he is away. I am doin good not smoking but I worry what will happen when he comes home...and smells like smoke.

Rebecca @ Mom-a-Tron said...

Unfortunately that Derek jones is hard to shake. Just when you learn to live with the cravings, poof! You get another taste, but only enough to remind you of that for which you yearn. Tough stuff.

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