Thursday, April 23, 2009
Friday, April 17, 2009
I been busy, buddy

I deliberately put in a less than perfect pic, since I am not done. I still need to do the fan handle.
philip --Hey! My son typed that when I left the 'puter to put laundry in the dryer! Neato!
Friday, April 10, 2009
I spent 10 years of my life with a whiny little girl.
Da-da-do-diddy-do-da, "Hello. What is going on?"
"Hey, Tracy! Do you have an airpump thingy like at 7-11?"

"Can you bring it over?"
"Uuuuh, no it weighs like 600 pounds."

"I have a very flat tire, and I need to air it up! I am in a hurry! I need to get to work!"

"Fix a Flat?"
"No! I did that already this week! It is reallyreally flat. The rubber is all folded over" (see pic above...)
"Oooohkay. So, change your tire."
"That will take too long!" (I am thinking he doesn't know how to do this...) "Can you help so it will go faster?"
"Suuuure. I know you have issues with car repairs. What-goes-where is confusing for you." (Moron.)
Tracy, Goddess of all things Mechanical, to the rescue. I cannot count how many tires I have changed, in heels and a miniskirt, no less. I even changed a master cylinder on the side of the highway in Dallas during rush hour. I like brakes. I think back to high school, and I was smart to buy that '69 Chevelle. I had to learn how to work on cars and pronto. Or walk.
I changed his damn tire. He went to work. I came home and smoked a cigarette. I don't view this as a failure. The universe aligned against my wishes to be smoke-free and sent my ex-moron. In reality, it was a resounding success. I only smoked one ciggy, and I didn't shoot him, either.
Yea me!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
1 PreK teacher
31 preschoolers
Oklahoma Day at Zoo.
5 straight hours.
lunch was over an hour late.
Someone shoot me.
I didn't smoke. But I didn't really have a chance to think about it. I had to fish a kid out of the pond. I'm pretty sure we are both sterile now. Okay for me I guess since I have 3, but he might have wanted a couple in 20 years or so. We didn't loose any kids, and that was a bonafide miracle, but I ended up picking up a kid from somewhere, and I had him for over an hour before I realized, "Hey! Youre not one of ours! Is that why you have been crying for over an hour?" I gave him to a girl in a cop uniform and said " There ya go...He's lost." and left. I already had my hands full with the 6 worst troublemakers. Why did the teacher give me her 6 worst boys? Because I was the only one of the 6 who had a kid in her "Bad Group"
6 weeks, 3 days, 4 hours until I am done with this woman. I know this is just another thing we must endure, but Criminy lady, can you give kiddos a chance?
Isiah ate a rollypolly. He threw up in a trash can, and it gagged the other boys. Sigh. The day is over. Almost.
Sunday, April 5, 2009

Am I the only person in the world who loves animal crackers? Please note I do not believe them to be crackers on a fundamental level, but I do believe them to be cookies. I'd never use squirt cheese on them, which defines a cracker and general placement in the pantry.
I really need to blog about regalia. I have been quite productive. All I can think about on Palm Sunday is Cigarettes! My neighbor was smoking on her porch and the smell hit me this morning, and it smells like duck farts, and I really want a duck fart of my own.
Saturday, April 4, 2009
What is wrong with me?
All I can say is THANK GAWDALLMIGHTY my girls are not princess. Whew. Tons of work, effort and time, with almost no payoff or gratitude. Even my Grandma thought the whole "Princess" idea was inkanish (white). and a waste of time, since all NDN women are prettier than white girls. Duh! I gotta admit, I don't wanna do it. Cori makes a great princess, and her Momma is willing...Bobs yer uncle.

This pic contains: Cranky leader, cranky teenager, cranky tween, cranky spoiled brat, 2 cutie pies, and a Princess in a pear tree!!! Why did I quit smoking again? I forget, because ciggys worked GREAT on situations like this.

Thursday, April 2, 2009
I knew it!! coffee=cigarettes.
Quick! pass me another frickin sticker to slap on my ass that should curb the ravings (here is the frickin' C!)
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. someone please beat me over the head until I am unconscious. Or send Derek home so I can get laid. Either or will work. I like Valium, too.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
I don't wanna smoke. Reason #1 I can't smoke in the store when I go and buy Philip's soccer supplies for the first time.

But on a happy note, Philip learned how to identify my pirate-ship art, and he can tell me how to spell "Pirate" neato, eh? You probaby disagree, but he insists it spells "Pirate!" Stick to your guns, buddy!